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You can install Appu by clicking on the image above or from Chrome Extension Store. Don't forget to create a login after installation.

Alternatively, you can follow these steps and install directly from the Appu server.
  1. Download Appu Chrome extension from here
  2. Start Chrome browser
  3. Open extensions management page
    Click on Chrome's wrench(or new hotdog)icon => Tools => Extensions
  4. Enable "Developer mode" by clicking on checkbox(top right corner)
  5. Drag and drop the appu.crx file on this page
  6. Click 'add' button on the popup
  7. After installation is successful, you will see Appu icon in the browser
  8. Click on it, the menu will have only one item "Log in"
  9. To do anything useful, you will need to log in. Click on "Log in" and it will take you to "Create Account/Login" page
  10. Login and start using Appu
  11. If you are stuck at any step, please check the installation video


For bugs, suggestions or more information, shoot an email to "[email protected]" with subject "[appu] subject". Appu is open source project under BSD license. You can access the code here.


In the following video, you can see how to install Appu:
Following video shows basic use of Appu:
Following video shows how to interpret Appu's reports: